Microsiphoniella Hille Ris Lambers
This page updated: December 2024.
This genus is for about 4 species related to the palaearctic Microsiphum. All species of the group feed on Artemisia (including Serephidium), both shrubs and herbs. I note above that there are ‘about 4 species’ because using existing keys it is not clear how many species there are, and identification to species is generally challenging or misleading. This is one of many groups in western North America that could be cleared up with some relatively straight-forward concerted study.
I’ve been interested that this genus is very uncommon in western Colorado where I’ve lived since 2021. In Washington, Oregon, Idaho, etc. Microsiphoniella is common to such an extent that I walk past many infestations. Since moving to Colorado I’ve found this genus only once despite extensive collecting on the various shrubby Artemisia species we have here (esp. A. bigelovii, A. nova, and A. tridentata).