Morphological Terminology and Abbreviations.
These list the items I use in my Macrosiphum papers, so that I don’t have to publish them over and over in species descriptions.
- a.s. = antennal segment
- a.s. VIa = basal part of antennal segment VI
- a.s. VIb = apical part of antennal segment VI, often called the processus terminalis
- URS = ultimate rostral segment
- metatarsal II = second segment of the hind tarsus
- siphunculus = cornicle
- sensorium = rhinarium of authors
- fundatrix/fundatrices = wingless stem mother/s
- aptera/apterae = wingless viviparous female/s
- alata/alatae = winged viviparous female/s
- ovipara/oviparae = wingless egg-laying female/s
- BMNH = The Natural History Museum, London
- CNC = Canadian National Collection, Ottawa
- USNM = National Collection of Aphidoidea, Beltsville, MD
- ASJ = Aphidman’s collection, Lakeview, OR