
Coloradoa Wilson

This genus is for about 30 species, all of which are Old World in origin, living on Asteraceae, Anthemidae.  A few have been introduced into North America, although how many and which ones seems a little uncertain to me.  I have samples that I want to identify as C. absinthii, C. artemisiae, C. angelicae, and C. tanacetina, but all have question marks and without reference specimens, I’m not that confident.

An apterous vivipara of a Coloradoa that is likely C. absinthii, collected from ornamental Artemisia absinthii in Walla Walla, Washington. Slide #AJ6499.

Coloradoa tanacetina (Walker)

This is the one species of Coloradoa that I have a single photograph of, collected in south-central Washington.  I confess that identification of this has to rely a lot on the host plant from which it was collected.  At least it is known to be introduced to North America.

Coloradoa tanacetina from Yakima, Washington in June.
Coloradoa tanacetina from Yakima, Washington in June.